Monthly Archives: April 2013

Session 1: The Swallowtail Festival

Ash, Ausk, Devin, and Gulnyr arrived in Sandpoint on the day of the Swallowtail Festival. Several prominent citizens of the town were made known to us, including the mayor Kendra Deverin, and the sheriff Belor Hemlock. We also met Father Abstalar Zantus, the head cleric of the Sandpoint Cathedral. We learned that the previous church in Sandpoint was destroyed in a fire 9-11 years ago, and that the Cathedral was built to replace it. Father Ezakien Tobyn had been the head cleric of that church, and was killed in the fire, along with his daughter Nualia.

During the festival, the town was attacked by goblins. We fought a number of them in the town square, and then headed towards the White Deer tavern. There we discovered a few more goblins attacking a nobleman named Aldern Foxglove. We fought and defeated the goblins, and Aldern thanked us for saving him.

Ameiko Kaijitsu also expressed her gratitude to us for protecting the town, and as a reward gave us free rooms at her inn, the Rusty Dragon.

Sheriff Hemlock later called on us to assist him with a related matter. He told us that the tomb of Ezakien Tobyn had been violated by a goblin, and requested that we accompany him to the graveyard to kill it. When we got to the tomb, the door was ajar. Ausk opened the door, and two skeletons emerged and attacked us. After defeating them, we searched the tomb, and found that Tobyn’s body was missing.

We spent the night at the Rusty Dragon, and the following day we set about finding more information about Sandpoint. Ash tried to find information about strange markings that we had seen on various buildings and stone structures around the town. She met with Brodert Quink, a Thassilonian scholar, who seemed to have some crazy theories about the lighthouse. She also met with Chask Haladan, the owner of an intellectually focused bookstore.

Meanwhile, Devin visited the monastery, and met with Sabyl Sorn, its caretaker. She informed Devin that the monestary had a library, but only those who were truly dedicated to self-discovery would be granted admittance. She deemed Devin unworthy, and denied him access.

After leaving the monastery, Devin was accosted by a young woman named Shayliss Vinder, who asked him to kill a rat in her father’s basement. Once inside, she seduced him. Her father Ven then showed up, attacked Devin, and knocked him out. Devin was then left tied to a post on the beach, where the other party members found and freed him.