Session 3: The Smuggling Tunnels

A couple of days after rescuing Ameiko from the glassworks, we returned to its basement to explore the smuggling tunnels that we had found. Shortly after entering, we found a secret door that led out to a beach by a cliffside. Since there was nothing of interest there, and the tunnels continued on past the exit, we returned inside for further exploration.

We soon encountered a creature known as a sinspawn. A sinspawn is a tall humanoid creature with a split jaw, and which is attuned to one of the seven deadly sins. It will seek out those who either harbor or lack the associated sin. The one we encountered was attuned to wrath.

Among our discoveries in the tunnels were the following:

  • Various doors on which could be detected small amounts of abjuration magic. These doors were not harmful in any way.
  • A small room containing a statue of a woman holding a ranseur. The ranseur was not part of the statue itself, but was removable and perfectly usable, so we took it with us.
  • A room full of prison cells. We fought some more sinspawn here.
  • A torture room.
  • A room with three doors, each of which was marked with a symbol of a 7-pointed star. Behind each door was a small room containing the skeleton of a creature. The skeletons were notably deformed, each in a different way.

We came to a room that had 11 covered pits in the floor, each 20 feet deep, and at the bottom of each pit was a zombie. Koruvus, a notorious goblin from the Seven Tooth tribe, attacked us in this room, and we killed him. Unlike a normal goblin, Koruvus had an extra arm.

We came to another room which was spherical, and in which gravity did not function normally; all of the objects in the room were floating around near the center. Also, the surface of the wall was some sort of red metal, and had electricity crackling across it. Ausk and Gulnyr entered the room, and soon found themselves floating in the air, unable to escape the room easily. Gulnyr eventually escaped by throwing Ausk, using the momentum to propel himself towards the doorway. He then threw Koruvus’s body into the room so that Ausk could use it to escape in the same manner.

We found a room that contained a large pool of dirty water, as well as an altar. Here we fought a bat-like creature that had tentacles.

Finally, we came to a cold room which contained a triangular pool of bubbling liquid that resembled translucent lava. There was a larger pool as well, filled with water, which contained a number of spikes with skulls impaled on them. In this room, we encountered a quasit named Erylium, who we believe to have been created by Nualia. We saw Erylium create a sinspawn by dropping some of her blood into the bubbling pool. After defeating the quasit, our exploration of the tunnels was complete, so we returned to town.

We met with mayor Deverin, and based on what we knew we concluded that Nualia and the nearby goblin tribes would be launching their full-scale attack on Sandpoint soon, and that the attack would come from Thistletop. The mayor recommended that we prevent this by going on the offensive, and head to Thistletop to attack Nualia.