Monthly Archives: August 2013

Session 4: The Nettlewood Forest

On the advice of Shalelu, we chose to journey through Nettlewood to get to Thistletop. Nettlewood consists of a network of passages and clearings walled by thorny brush, and has a thick canopy that blocks out most of the sunlight.

We entered Nettlewood through a low archway entrance, and began exploring. We soon found a deep stone-walled pit. We could hear that there was water at the bottom of it. Further on, we came to an alcove where there were four goblin dogs tied to stakes in the ground. Agitated by our presence, they were able to break free to attack us, so we killed them. In another clearing, we found a nest made of the fur of fire pelt cougars.

We were attacked by Gogmurt, a goblin druid, along with his pet fire pelt cougar Tangletooth. It was a difficult fight, as Gogmurt used entangling vines to slow our progress, and was able to move through the brush unhindered. However, we managed to kill Tangletooth, at which point Gogmurt retreated. We caught up with him again, along with 10 other goblin allies. We killed all of them except Gogmurt, who then surrendered and offered to tell us everything we wanted to know. He told us the following facts:

  • There is a bunyip at the bottom of the stone pit that we found.
  • In Thistletop, there is a stairway in the throne room of the keep that leads underground.
  • Ripnugget is following Nualia‘s orders, and they are planning to attack Sandpoint.

We then left Nettlewood and headed off for Thistletop. We came to a rope bridge that was suspended over water. The bridge was rigged to collapse, so when we tried to cross it, Devin fell into the water below. He was pulled by the current into a cave which had a bunyip in it. The ceiling of the cave had an opening which was the bottom of the previously encountered stone shaft. The other party members descended into the water to assist Devin, and we killed the bunyip. Within the cave, we found some money, a gem, a kukri, and a wand of Shield.


Interlude 3.5: Journey to Thistletop

You gather your belongings and strike out for Thistletop. At the Northgate you are met by the elven ranger Shalelu Andosana. She hails your group and explains that Mayor Deverin informed her of your trip. She gives you reliable directions to reach Thistletop, including a cautionary note to take the old hunting path through the Nettlewood rather than trying to navigate through Pauper’s Graves to the coast. Pauper’s Graves is apparently a large graveyard dedicated to the many poor and desperate laborers from Magnimar who came to the region to establish Sandpoint and its surrounding farmlands. Unfortunately, a pall has fallen over the monuments, and many of the graves have been desecrated, despite the lack of wealth of those interred. The Nettlewood, while wild, tangled and thorny, is a better bet, she thinks, especially with a druid in your group.

Before you leave, Shalelu makes a serious request. She does not know the source of the evil at Thistletop, but she asks that you act appropriately when considering the nature of your opponents. Goblins and other monstrous creatures can and should be “whacked like weeds” but those who should have a conscience, humans or elves or the like, should not be killed, but rather be brought to justice at Sandpoint if at all possible.

The Journey to Thistletop is roughly two hours by foot, east on the Lost Coast Road. The morning you set out is overcast, with intermittent winds whipping the grey ocean waters and bright beams of sun occasionally illuminating circles of water far off shore. You pass north of the Ravenroost Hills, with their isolated copses of eucalyptus, pepperwood and pine. Out to the northeast the Three Cormorants rock structure is just visible from the road, and something catches the light and glitters at the third rock. However, beyond an impression of movement, neither Ash nor Ausk can make out anything further from this distance.

As luck would have it, heavy rain begins about an hour into the journey, just as the road begins to wind inland between Shank’s Wood to the north and the Tickwood to the south. You pass a small roadside shrine… not much more than a stone plinth overgrown with yellow roses and a faded symbol of a golden seagull with blue circles on each wing. No one in the party is able to identify the meaning, but Spike lands atop of it and gives a happy squawk.

You have reached the point in the road where the Pauper’s Graves lie to the north, the Nettlewood to the east. The rain continues to fall, less feverish now but heady with the smell of ozone. Will you follow Shalelu’s advice and take the slightly longer path through the Nettlewood, or strike out north into the field of graves?