Session 9: The Haunted Mansion

We entered Foxglove Manor through the side entrance. As we entered, Phillipe told us that his sword didn’t want to go in, but he joined us anyway. Devin cast a Light spell to help us to see, but it appeared dimmer than expected, as though something in the house was suppressing it. The floorboards of the first room were uneven, giving us a sense of vertigo as we walked on them.

In the room was a piano. Gulnyr decided to examine the piano bench, but as soon as he touched it, the piano started playing itself. Suddenly Ash started dancing, as though with an invisible partner. Gulnyr attacked the piano, but even as he smashed it to pieces, it kept playing as though it was functioning perfectly. He then grabbed Ash to try to stop her dancing. When he did this, we all heard a horrifying shriek. However, he succeeded in breaking the spell, and Ash was free. She described having been dancing with what appeared to be a beautiful woman, who then appeared to be getting strangled.

At this point, we realized that during the commotion Phillipe had left the house, closing the door behind him. We tried to open it, but it was stuck. Furthermore, it had patches of mold growing on it. Gulnyr tried scraping the mold off with his axe, but the result was that some of it spread to the weapon. Wiping the axe with a cloth did not remove all of the mold.

With our exit blocked, we had no choice but to continue further into the house. This room had two other doors, one which smelled of mildew, and the other of which was wet. We wrapped strips of cloth around our faces to help protect ourselves from mold, and then Ash opened the wet door, which led to a washroom. A scratching sound came from inside the tub. Gulnyr entered the washroom to look in the tub, and saw a large rat inside. It jumped up to attack, and Gulnyr smashed both it and the tub, killing it.

Gulnyr then tried opening the other door leading from the first room, the one that smelled like mildew. However, the handle broke off, and some green goo squirted out onto his hand. He then smashed the door, and this time more goo sprayed out, all over Devin. This doorway opened into the side of a corridor.

From there we made our way into the front entrance hall. It contained many stuffed and mounted trophy animals. One was a manticore: a twelve foot long creature with a lion’s body, a scorpion’s tail, bat wings, and a human face. A door in this room had an icy cold handle. This door led to a lounge, which contained a couch caked with white wispy fungus. Devin heard a woman’s voice whisper “Lorrey”, coming from this room. Dust swirled around the floor, despite a lack of any wind; it moved as if being kicked around by invisible footsteps, and Ash could feel the vibration of footsteps when she felt the floor with her hand.

Suddenly, Gulnyr was overcome with a compulsion to protect Ash, and remove her from the house. He picked her up and headed back the way we came. Devin decided to help clear a path for them, and knowing that the door we had entered through was stuck, he went to the front room to try to open the front door. However, when he entered the room, the manticore appeared to come to life, on fire, and blasted Devin with flame. Devin was badly hurt, and crawled quickly out of the room, as the manticore returned to statue form.

Forced to take another route, we went back into the hallway to try another door. This door was wedged shut, so Ash dismantled the hinges, which were on our side of the door. While doing this, Ash found this door very cold to the touch, and took some damage from it. However, it was not cold to Gulnyr. Behind this door was a dining room. It had two fireplaces, and many windows of stained glass.

Continuing further, we came to a library. In this room were two chairs, one of which had fallen over, and had a scarf draped over it. In the fireplace lay a stone bookend, carved into the shape of an angel. When we entered the room, we suddenly experienced being Iesha Foxglove as she was strangled by her husband Aldern. We fell unconscious, and later awoke in the dining room. We saw that the door at the southern end of the corridor had been removed and laid upon the floor. Beyond the now unobstructed doorway was a stairway leading up. There was a rug on the floor in the corridor, and we saw Phillipe’s footprints on it. Gulnyr moved the rug, revealing a spiral of mold on the floor underneath it. He then opened another previously unexplored door in the corridor, which revealed stairs leading down.

At this point it was the morning, and Devin performed his daily prayer for spells. As he did this, Gulnyr went through the front room, and into a drawing room. The manticore did not attack him as he passed through the front room, the way it had attacked Devin. In the drawing room, he moved a curtain aside, and briefly saw a woman’s face reflected in the window. When he returned to the corridor, Devin and Ash were nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile, after praying for spells, Devin tried to jump over the moldy patch in the floor, but crashed partway through the floor, and needed Ash to pull him out. The two of them then went back to the library, to try to join Gulnyr in the drawing room while avoiding the manticore. They reached the drawing room, but did not see Gulnyr there. They drew the curtains, and saw nothing but darkness in the window, despite the fact that it should have been daytime.

Meanwhile, Gulnyr had taken a look up the stairs, and at this point he came down, and saw the hole in the floor that Devin had made.

Ash and Devin went back to the library, and the scarf flew up to attack them. Devin channeled energy to harm undead, which suppressed the evil that was present, and the scarf dropped. Gulnyr then arrived, and burned the scarf.

We did some healing, then headed upstairs. A cobweb-covered door led to a curved corridor. We found a bedroom containing a child’s bed, a toybox, and a large fireplace. When Gulnyr entered the room, he experienced a vision, in which he believed himself to be Lorrey Foxglove, witnessing her parents trying to kill each other.

We next came to a musician’s gallery. This room had stained glass windows, depicting scenes representing necromantic spell components.

Next, we came to a rectangular room whose walls were adorned with named portraits depicting members of the Foxglove family. Portraits of the following family members were present:

  • Vorel Foxglove: A middle-aged man
  • Kasanda Foxglove: Vorel’s wife
  • Lorrey Foxglove: Vorel’s and Kasanda’s daughter
  • Traver Foxglove: A tall, thin man, with a thin moustache
  • Cyralie Foxglove: A redhead woman, wife of Traver
  • Aldern Foxglove: Son of Traver and Cyralie
  • Sendeli Foxglove: Daughter of Traver and Cyralie
  • Zeeva Foxglove: Daughter of Traver and Cyralie

The room suddenly became cold, and the portraits of each of the dead family members changed in a manner related to their cause of death. Aldern turned into an undead creature, and Vorel’s portrait exploded into fungus. Only Sendeli’s and Zeeva’s portraits remained unchanged.

We left this room, and came to a door with a spiral of mold on it. This led to a bedroom completely covered in mold. Suddely, Devin and Gulnyr got the sensation of their faces becoming itchy. In response, Gulnyr started clawing at his face. Both of their faces then erupted in boils and tumors.

We found another washroom on this floor, with an iron tub, which once again had scratching sounds coming from inside of it. Gulnyr approached the tub to kill what was inside, but as soon as he stepped into the room, the floor collapsed, and Gulnyr fell through to the first floor. When he came back up the stairs to join Devin and Ash, he once again could not find them. Meanwhile, they waited for him for about an hour, after which they went downstairs to find him. Failing that, they returned upstairs, and found that the hole in the floor was noticably bigger.

Devin and Ash continued exploring the upper floor without Gulnyr, and found, behind the next door, a destroyed bedroom. Beds, chairs, and portraits were all smashed. One painting remained untouched, hanging backwards against the wall. After we entered the room, Ash turned the painting around to look at it, and staggered a bit when she touched it. The portrait was of Iesha Foxglove.

Meanwhile, Gulnyr had returned upstairs, and entered the same room, though from his perspective Devin and Ash were not present. He left the room without revealing the painting. However, as he left, he was suddenly overcome with a strong hatred towards women.

Ash and Devin next came to a locked door, and as they were about to examine it, Gulnyr arrived, and attacked Ash. Devin channeled positive energy, and this cleared Gulnyr’s head, restoring him to normal. Ash then tried to pick the lock, but failed, breaking it. Gulnyr then smashed the door in, revealing a stairway leading up.

Ascending the stairs, we came to a hallway with several doors on either side. Exploring these, we found a room filled with repair equipment, and four storerooms, containing items such as linens, boxes, crates, and furniture.

At the end of the hallway were two doors. We heard a shriek coming from behind one of them. We approached the doors, and found that the one on the right was locked, and we could hear the sound of a woman sobbing coming from behind it. The door on the left was unlocked, and we opened it to reveal a private study. In it were statues, sculptures, scrollcases, and books, as well as an empty birdcage. Also present was a painting of a bull fight, which Ash appraised to be worth about 600 GP. Gulnyr took this and put it in his backpack.

Memories of Traver’s adventures suddenly filled our heads, and we felt a sense of his regret over having married Cyralie. We took some Wisdom damage from this experience, and Gulnyr fell unconscous. Ash and Devin brought him to one of the storerooms, and rested there for the night. Devin then used a Lesser Restoration spell to revive Gulnyr.

We returned to the locked door from behind which we could hear a woman sobbing and wailing. Ash picked the lock, and we entered to find a room with an armoire, and a mirror in a wooden frame which had carvings of roses. There was an apparition of Iesha sitting on the floor, looking into the mirror. Ash used her sling to smash the mirror, at which point Iesha stood up and screamed, causing Ash and Gulnyr to fall to the ground. She spoke some words directed towards Aldern, then fled the room. Devin decided to chase her, following her downstairs, and ultimately through the manticore room. Unfortunately, the manticore attacked Devin as before, and this time he caught fire. Devin dropped to the ground and rolled around to put the fire out, and lost sight of Iesha as a result.