Session 13: Turtleback Ferry

Shalelu informed us that Grobaras wanted us to meet with him, so we followed her to his office. Once there, he told us that the Black Arrow Rangers at Fort Rannick have not been heard from in quite a while, and requested that we investigate. He told us to go to the village of Turtleback Ferry and meet with its mayor, Maelin Shreed.

We booked passage on a barge. Aboard was Rivermaster Tigh, who warned us that there were reefclaws and boggards lurking in the Yondabakari River, in the Mushfens. The journey took several days. On one foggy day, we were attacked by swarms of mosquitoes, which we had to fight by using fire and oil. Towards the end of the trip, it began to rain, which worried the crew, because it was too early in the season for rain.

We arrived in Pendaka, a small village on the south edge of Claybottom Lake, where we spent a few hours waiting before we were able to transfer to the next barge that would take us to Turtleback Ferry. This barge was made from a large turtle shell. We met a strange man on this vessel who did not give his name, but who informed us that an albino gar named Pink-Eye inhabits Claybottom Lake, and has recently eaten some fishermen.

We finally arrived in Turtleback Ferry. We got rooms at an inn called The Turtle’s Parlor, run by the inkeeper Sestin Orlandi. Here we learned that a gambling vessel called Paradise recently sank, possibly due to Black Maga, a large sea creature that sometimes comes into Claybottom Lake.

We later went to the local church of Erastil, where we met with mayor Maelin Shreed. He told us that recently people have been disappearing. He also mentioned that the Paradise sank two weeks prior, during the night. He also commented on the early rainfall.

The next morning, we made a visit to the general store, which was run by a person named Wendellini. Afterwards, Gulnyr visited the local smithy. We then traveled to Fort Rannick. Along the way, we heard a creature yelp as though in pain. We investigated, and came upon a firepelt cougar that was caught in a bear trap. Tris calmed it, and Ash freed it. Meanwhile, we heard the sound of animals barking and voices speaking, coming towards us. Suddenly, a large humanoid arrived, accompanied by five large dogs, or perhaps wolves. The man was angry that we had freed his prey, and he and his dogs attacked us. We killed the dogs, but after the man had become severely wounded, he started crying, and then ran away. Shalelu warned us not to follow him, and pointed out that one of the dogs’ collars had the emblem of the Black Arrow rangers on it.

We rested, and then followed the humanoid’s trail. We felt a strange aura in the forest, and we saw that some of the trees were decorated with human-shaped fetishes made of dirt and human hair. We eventually arrived at a sagging old barn and accompanying farmhouse. In the area we spotted an eight foot tall humanoid whose head resembled a pumpkin on one side. We fought and killed it. We then tried to open the barn door, but it appeared to be barricaded from the inside.

We then approached the farmhouse. The front porch was crawling with large ants, and when Ash stepped on it, saw blades emerged from it. We then entered the house from a side door. The first room was crawling with cockroaches, and there was a carcass being devoured by rats. There was also a basket full of severed fingers.

Gulnyr opened a door leading from this room, and this triggered a trap in which a scythe swung out at him. The room beyond was a dining room. It contained a large table, whose tablecloth was made of human skin, and a human head served as the centerpiece.

Ash opened another door leading from the first room, behind which was a stairway heading down. She then examined a door that led from the dining room, and found it was armed with another scythe trap, but she accidentally triggered it when trying to disable it. Behind this door was a room filled with toys, and it also had bookshelves occupied with skulls. There were two creatures fighting over a squirrel carcass, which attacked us when they saw us. We killed them.

There was a second trapped door leading from the dining room, which Gulnyr smashed a large hole through, thus avoiding triggering the scythe. This led to a corridor with several other doors in it. One led to a bedroom, inside which was the humanoid who accompanied the dogs we had fought earlier. We killed him.

Another door off of the corridor led to a storage closet, containing the bones of children, all girls. Another door led to a family room, which contained a couch covered in human skin. It also had a bearskin rug. When Tris entered this room, she triggered a pit trap, but was able to avoid falling in.

A fourth door from the corridor led to a large bedroom. It contained an easel, a brush made with human hair, and a comb made from a human jaw. There were three defomed men standing in upright coffins, and their mouths were sewn shut. In the bed was a large, disgusting woman who identified herself as Mammy Graul. She commanded the men in the coffins to attack us, while she cast spells at us. After we killed the men, Mammy Graul escaped via Dimension Door.