Session 15: Ogres in the Keep

We backtracked to the fork in the tunnel, and took the stairs down to the keep basement. Jakardros warned us to be quiet and to avoid disturbing any lizard eggs, because the shocker lizards were very protective of their young. In one corner of the basement was a group of five lizards, blocking the exit. Jakardros and Gulnyr collected a colony of ants to try to lure the lizards away. Meanwhile, Ash twirled a shock arrow around in the air to make crackling electrical sounds, in hopes of attracting the lizards. This worked, and she lured them to where the ants were, which kept them occupied long enough for us to sneak by.

We came to a set of cells, which had been repurposed into a bedroom for Lucretia, Xanesha‘s sister. Lucretia was present, and she tried to persuade us to join her side. She claimed that she and her allies were not evil, but were trying to bring order to the world. She also revealed that Kaven was the one who had betrayed the Back Arrows, allowing the ogres to take Fort Rannick. Kaven then tried to flee, but we caught him and knocked him unconscious. Lucretia encouraged us to kill him, but we tied him up instead, for later questioning.

Gulnyr then attacked Lucretia, and we all fought her. During the fight, she used a Dimension Door to get away. We heard the sound of her casting a spell back in the main part of the cavern, and most of the party went to investigate the area, though Devin stayed behind in case she returned. She avoided being seen by the party, and returned to the bedroom, where she attacked Devin, and drained him of some Wisdom. She also mentioned that “Mokmurian” would love to meet Devin, but did not say who that was. After the party returned and inflicted more injury on her, she used Dimension Door again, this time to flee the fight completely. Right before she left, she said “I’ll see you in his court”.

We questioned Kaven, but he had no useful information, nor was he repentant for his crime, so Vale and Jakardros killed him. Then we headed upstairs into the keep.

We came to an entrance hall, and from there, proceeded to an infirmary. It was filled with mutilated bodies and body parts. One corpse was propped up and positioned as though it were eating its own entrails from a bowl. There was an ogre in this room as well, which we fought and killed.

From there, we encountered:

  • A library, containing torn, mangled books
  • A round tower
  • Three guest quarters, which were still in good condition

We came to the door to a dining room. We heard ogre voices behind it; they were arguing over who was going to get to wear a horse head as a hat. Ash opened the door, saw that there were four ogres, filled the room with mist, and quickly closed the door again. Unfortunately, she was spotted, so they all came out into the hallway to attack us, and two other ogres heard the commotion and came out to join in. Ash filled the hallway with mist, and this, combined with the narrow width of the hallway, allowed us to keep the ogres well contained as we fought them.

Proceeding on, we came to a work room, which was filled with graffiti consisting of poetry, written in Giant. An ogre was there, using the head of a dead ranger as a paintbrush. We fought him, and during the fight he managed to daze Vale. As Devin tried to pull him out, the ogre killed Vale. Jakardros then killed the ogre.

From there, we explored:

  • An armory
  • Two guest quarters that were in good shape
  • A closet
  • Barracks, which were torn and smashed up
  • A kitchen, which was in a shambles; it had a pantry, which contained a barrel of pickled fish

We then went up a set of stairs to the next floor. We entered the commander’s quarters, where there were two ogres present. One was a female named Druella, and the other was a male named Hookmaw, who was deformed and had a metal jaw. We fought and killed them, and then stopped to rest for the night.