Session 17: Bitter Hollow

We cleared away the pile of skulls and went through the door that they had been blocking. Beyond it was a room with two summoning circles on the floor, one at each end of the room, each behind a portcullis. On one of the circles was a pile of red ash, and on the other was a near-dead fiend named Avaxial. He told us that he had been imprisoned by a Thassilonian named Karzoug. He wanted us to kill him to release him from his tortured existence, and Devin obliged.

We next came to a room with a pool of water on the floor, and a scale model of Skull’s Crossing on the wall. A large creature shaped like a scorpion and covered with skulls and bones attacked us here, and scared Gulnyr away. The rest of us tried to fight it, but were not very effective against it. Devin suffered some Dexterity damage when struck, and Ash nearly died. Fortunately, Gulnyr came to his senses and returned, and we managed to kill the creature.

Upon examining the model of Skull’s Crossing, we found that there were levers that control the sluice gates. Unfortunately, there was no power available, so pulling the levers did nothing. We figured out that the fiends in the summoning circles had been used as a source of power. We decided to try using two of our party members to power the mechanism, so Gulnyr and Ash each stepped into a summoning circle, and Eliatris pulled the levers. This successfully opened the sluice gates, at the cost of giving Gulnyr and Ash a negative level.

Having fixed the dam, we returned to Turtleback Ferry to report our success to Mayor Shreed. He in turn told us that he had done some more research regarding the sihedron tattoos, and said that half of the townsfolk had them. He speculated that there had been a concerted effort on the part of Lucretia to tattoo everyone in preperation for killing them as a sort of harvest. Finally, he requested that we go to the Shimmer Glen, which required passing through Bitter Hollow.

We traveled to Bitter Hollow, where we met B. K. Pedwyn, who runs the trading post and is the de facto leader of the town. He mentioned that Lamatar Bayden is a frequent visitor. We ventured out on the Wicker Walk, and soon encountered a pixie named Yap, who was crying. He told us that Myriana was his mistress, and that she was ill, and asked us to help her. We followed him, and along the way some ghostly fay emerged from the forest and caused Ash some injury.

We rested for the night. During Ash’s watch, a derelict ship appeared in the swamp. She awoke Gulnyr, and then went to sleep. Gulnyr examined the ship, and then smashed a hole in the side of it, awaking the rest of us. There was a magical darkness permeating the inside of the ship, but Devin dispelled it. We then went inside to investigate. We came to the captain’s quarters, where we found the dead body of the captain sitting at a harpsicord. His chest had been burst open, and there were some kind of polyps inside. Eliatris used a torch to burn them away.

We returned to camp, and saw a white dog with milky white eyes. As Eliatris approached it, three large caterpillar-like creatures emerged from the water and attacked us. After we killed them, Myriana herself showed up, in the form of a ghostly figure with disembodied arms. As we fought her, she blinded Ash. Devin cured her blindness, but Myriana blinded her again, as well as Eliatris. Devin then channeled energy to kill Myriana. As she faded away, she told us to bring Lamitar’s remains to her at Hook Mountain.