Interlude 19.5: Raid on Sandpoint Aftermath

Results of the Raid on Sandpoint

Thanks to your heroic actions and timely intervention, most buildings in Sandpoint suffered only minimal damage. Half the town garrison burned down from dragon fire. The Two Knights Brewery lies in ruin and all the beer has been stolen or destroyed. The Feathered Serpent magic item shop was also damaged, and has suffered looting as its owner has gone missing.

Thankfully, you prevented much loss of life, but the following named NPCs died during the raid:

  • Father Zantus
  • Larz Rovanky (Rovanky Tannery)
  • Aesrick Battlehorn (dwarf carpenter)
  • Gorvi (half-orc dungsweeper)

Additionally, the following named NPCs have gone missing, most likely abducted by the stone giants. It should be understood that this list is not comprehensive, and other townsfolk are missing their family members or friends:

  • Nisk Tander (potion maker, propietor of Bottled Solutions)
  • Jesk “Cracktooth” Berinni (owner of Cracktooth’s Tavern near the theater)
  • Kendra Deverin (mayor)
  • Vorvashali Voon (wizard proprietor of the Feathered Serpent magic item store)
  • Niska Mvashti (Harrow Deck seer and fortune teller of dubious merit)
  • Aneka Avertin (twin sister skilled in knives from Sandpoint Savories, likes Gulnyr)

Further Developments

The Scarnetti Family’s success at repelling the giants from their mansion and in capturing a giant for interrogation has raised their popularity in town. Titus Scarnetti is milking it for all it is worth, and there are many grumblings about the so-called “heroes of sandpoint” being over their heads and the Scarnetti family being the town’s true defenders. Obviously, not all people share this view, and you continue to enjoy large support from Sherrif Hemlock, Ameiko Kaijutsu, Savah Bevaniky and Sabyl Sorn, among others.

Interrogation of the Stone Giant Prisoner

Eliatris uses magic to confirm the captive is telling the truth. If this one is typical of his race, it appears stone giants are blunt and honest, and far from deceptive.

1. Where is Jorgenfist?

“Jorgenfist lies within the Valley of the Black Tower in the Iron Peaks. It overlooks the waters of the Muschkal River, but can also be approached by heading east from the Storval Stairs. Lord Mokmurian himself dwells deep below Jorgenfist – in hidden places he does not allow us to visit!”

2. What defenses can we expect to find there?

“Mokmurian has at least seven tribes of the People under his command, with each tribe numbering in the dozens. The number of lesser kin he’s conscripted – ogres, hill giants, ettins, trolls – is not insignificant. He also enjoys the support of several lamias – degenerate followers of the Mother of Monsters!”

3. What capabilities does Teraktinus have?

“Teraktinus is an idiot. Though the stones give him great strength, he should not have led the raiding party. I should have been the one in command!”

4. Who is Mokmurian?

“I already told you – he’s our lord and leader. He promised us glory and riches, and although we lost the dragon on our raid of your town, that was because Teraktinus is a fool. When Lord Mokmurian marches down from the Storval Plateau, he will take from you everything!”

5. But what is Mokmurian?

“I have only heard him speak from afar, and have only heard from others of the power of his magic. He is the rarest of us all, a child of the stones who has mastered the magic of the Ancient Lords. They say he can turn the living into immobile stone and can turn his own flesh into granite armor. I’ve even heard he can cause the very stones of the world to quicken and pull those who stand atop them into a tomb below the earth. And I’m sure he can do much more than that!”

6. Why did Teraktinus take the granite from the Old Light?

“I can’t say. He mentioned having a special mission from Lord Mokmurian, but didn’t tell me what it was. Didn’t tell any of us. My people’s elders have ways of prying secrets from the stones – perhaps that stone knew something that Lord Mokmurian needed to learn?”

7. What is Teraktinus planning to do with the prisoners?

“They will likely be brought to Jorgenfist to serve as slaves. Or maybe they will be fed to our war mammoths. Either way, they will be the lucky ones!”

8. Why did you attack the Scarnetti family mansion in particular?

“Teraktinus wanted treasure, and this mansion you speak of was the most opulent. He was a fool to divide our forces!”

9. Why the beer?

“All your beer will soon belong to us!”

10. Do stone giants like beer?

“Surely you have heard of our great ancestor, Charlie Mops?…”