Monthly Archives: March 2015

Session 20: They’re Taking The Townsfolk To Jorgenfist!

Eliatris spoke to Savah, to find out more info about the Shoanti dockworker who had been visiting her shop. Savah told her that the man’s name was Ahbet, and that he had been purchasing cheap, low-quality weapons. Meanwhile, Ash investigated options for trying to scry on the kidnapped townsfolk, and was told that the Twilight Academy in Galduria would be a good place to find assistance. That night, we spoke with Ameiko, who gave us information about the Storval Plateau, which the captive stone giant had mentioned to us.

The next day, Eliatris, Ash, and Devin went to Savah’s armory to try to find the cause of Savah’s poisoning. Ash was able to detect a coating of poison on the countertop and on the cash box. There were also sailcloth rags in the wastebasket that were soaked with poison, which had been used to apply it.

We purchased a scrying mirror, and Devin prepared a Scry spell. He used it to view Mayor Deverin. He saw that the stone giants had stopped to camp. There were 15-20 townsfolk, six giants, and two dire bears. Teraktinus was looking ahead, towards a forest in the distance. One of the townsfolk present was Niska Mvashti, a seer. As Devin observed, Niska created a diversion by hiding under a horse and hurling stones at one of the bears. During the resulting commotion, she was able to escape from the camp undetected.

We obtained some horses, and proceeded to ride them towards Galduria. Along the way, we came to a river, which was blocking our path. There was no bridge or other easy way to cross nearby. While we were trying to figure out how we would get the horses across, Ash heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes nearby. Eliatris cast Detect Evil on the bushes, and found that there was a source of evil there. Suddenly, we heard a screeching noise coming from the sky; the Sandpoint Devil descended to the ground in front of us, and attacked by breathing fire. While Gulnyr fought the Devil hand to hand, and Ash and Eliatris shot at it from a distance, Devin went to investigate the evil within the bushes. He found a dog-like humanoid hiding there, giggling. Devin killed it, but there were two more of them nearby. After we had killed all three of the humanoids, the Sandpoint Devil escaped via Dimension Door.

Once again faced with the problem of crossing the river, we eventually decided that getting two of the horses across would be good enough. Gulnyr knocked two horses unconscious, enlarged himself, and carried them across; we let the other two horses go. We finished riding to Galduria doubled up on the horses.

When we arrived, we asked around for Niska. We were told to go to the Lucky Publican. Once there, an old woman beckoned to us, and offered to do a reading for us from her Harrowing deck, for the cost of 1 CP each. She instructed us to ask a question, for which the reading would provide an answer. The question we asked was, “How can we defeat Mokmurian?”. She performed the reading, and told us the following:

  • We must gain ancient knowledge that is locked away.
  • We require great speed, but have already failed. However, being slow might actually be beneficial.
  • Mokmurian believes that he controls his allies, but some could be turned against him; we should seek allies in the enemy camp.

After the reading concluded, the old woman informed us that Niska was waiting for us in the back room. We met with her, and asked her about the Twilight Academy. She scoffed, and said that the Twilight Academy was just a front for the Harrowing Society, which consisted mostly of charlatans. She then offered to give us information about Jorgenfist, but she wanted 100 GP for it. Eliatris cast Zone of Truth on her, and we gave her the money.

Niska told us to travel to Wolf’s Ear, and from there to Ravensmoor. We can’t stay overnight at Ravensmoor, because they don’t allow outsiders to stay. We must quickly seek the Mushgold river, and follow it to Jorgenfist. If we’re fast, we have a slim chance of ambushing the stone giants in the Iron Peaks. The stone giants have a fortress, surrounded by an army, so we need a plan to get in. She also told us that the prisoners will most likely be kept alive and made into slaves. Niska then arranged for us to stay the night in Galduria, and booked passage for us on a ferry for the next morning.

The next day, instead of taking the ferry, we went to the Twilight Academy to arrange for teleportation to Ravensmoor. The cast the spell on us, but we arrived in Wolf’s Ear instead. We found a couple of fishermen on the river, and persuaded them to take us to Ravensmoor in their boat for 7 GP.

Devin cast Scry again, and saw the enemy party at the base of a giant cliff wall, roughly one hour away from the Storval Stairs.

We left Ravensmoor before nightfall, traveled for a while, and then set up camp. Ash set up trip wires so that we could all rest without needing someone to keep watch.

We arrived at the base of the Storval Stairs. At the top were six hill giants standing guard. We proceeded to climb up; Gulnyr enlarged himself, making it easy for him to climb quickly, and Devin used Air Walk to ascend beside the stairs. Ash and Eliatris climbed up normally. Meanwhile, the giants rolled boulders down the stairs at us, and threw rocks directly at Devin. Gulnyr made it near the top long before the rest of us, and engaged the giants in melee combat. Eventually, he suffered too much injury, and was killed. Fortunately, Devin arrived just in time to cast Breath of Life on him. We then managed to finish killing the stone giants.