Session 21: Arrival at Jorgenfist

After defeating the stone giants at the top of the Storval Stairs, we soon came upon a traveling merchant selling scrolls and snuff. Though friendly enough, he refused to tell us his name. After buying a few scrolls, we continued on towards Jorgenfist.

Along the way, Devin cast Scrying again, and witnessed the townsfolk being transferred into a tower at Jorgenfist. The giants that had brought them were not entering the tower themselves, but passing the prisoners off to other giants who were inside. Devin also noticed that all of the giants were marked with the sihedron rune. There was smoke coming from the tower, and some giants were busy training mammoths.

Two days later, we arrived at the mouth of the valley which contained Jorgenfist. There were several towers, surrounded by encampments of armies. Ogres, hill giants, and stone giants were present. There was a watchtower not very far in from the valley entrance, and we also saw a cave entrance up on the valley wall quite a distance away. As we were planning our strategy, we were suddenly attacked by two rocs. One of them grabbed Eliatris and carried her off; we managed to kill the other one on the ground. Eliatris was able to use her animal handling skill to prevent the one carrying her from eating or killing her, but it dropped her into its nest, which was atop the tallest tower in the center of Jorgenfist. Devin scried Eliatris, and saw her in the nest. He also spotted three harpies perched atop the tower’s gate.

We waited for nightfall, and made our way to the watchtower. It had two floors, though it was as tall as a five-storey building for humans. There was a fire pit on the second floor, and a cauldron of water next to it, for creating smoke to serve as signals. Also present on the second floor were two stone giants with glowing runes carved into their bodies, looking out. Ash turned herself invisible, and then used ventriloquism to tell the giants that there were new orders for them. One of the giants went downstairs to the door. Gulnyr and Devin went to the door, and fought and killed the giant when he emerged. Hearing the commotion, the other giant started down the stairs. Meanwhile, Ash had made it up to the second floor, and was trying to move the cauldron away from the fire so it could not be used to send a signal. She set up a pulley system along with her rope and grappling hook to do so.

Gulnyr and Devin attacked the giant at the top of the stairs, while it attacked Ash. Suddenly, a much larger female giant named Cinderma approached from outside. We killed the second rune-marked giant, and Ash dumped the water out of the cauldron, but Cinderma knocked out Gulnyr and Devin shortly thereafter. She said “Galenmir will want these!” as she carried them off. Ash followed behind her, invisible.

Cinderma brought Gulnyr and Devin into Jorgenfist, and gave them to two other giants, who stripped them of their belongings. Cinderma said that some frost giants would be showing up, and left. While stripping Gulnyr and Devin, the giants mentioned that we would be delivered to Lokansir.

Eliatris shot arrows at the giants from atop the tower, while Ash attacked them from behind the corner of a building. The roc attacked the giants as well. During the fight, Ash was wounded badly enough that she turned gaseous to escape further harm. Eliatris arrived, but was soon knocked out. One of the giants started pounding on the tower that housed the three harpies, to call for their help, addressing them as “disciples of the black monk”. Ash managed to get to Devin and bring him back to consciousness, and he revived Gulnyr and Eliatris. Ash was then charmed by the harpies, so Gulnyr grabbed her, and then we all ran off and jumped into a nearby pit to escape.

The pit was 80 feet deep, and the floor was covered with piles of bones and corpses. We spotted three dire bears wandering around, and we put a fog cloud around them to avoid being spotted. Just then, an elderly female stone giant appeared, and told us that she was our ally, if our goal was to slay Mokmurian. She told us her name was Conna the Wise, and led us to her cave. She said that Mokmurian used blasphemous magic to kill her husband, who had been the leader of the tribe. He is under the influence of Karzoug, an ancient spirit of a lord. She said Mokmurian spends much of the time in his library, and there are two ways to get there, east or south. The southern route is longer, but safer, than the eastern route. She also asked us not to kill any stone giants. She gave us a place to rest up for the night, and provided the following information:

  • We must destroy Galenmir
  • The kobold is small, but very dangerous
  • There are two red dragons at Jorgenfist: Econtrador and Sulaminga
  • There are lamia priests
  • Lokansir, like Karzoug, is from ancient times
  • Lokansir manages the rune-slaves; being made a rune-slave is a punishment, and the process is irreversible
  • The prisoners from Sandpoint were brought to Lokansir