Interlude 21.5: Conna’s Wisdom

Here is some supplementary information that Conna the Wise is able to give you about the challenges you might face:

“To the southwest is the Great Cave. It is likely to find four to six of my kin eating there at any given time. Should you encounter them, they will give no quarter, so I understand if you must use lethal force. They are among Mokmurian’s most trusted soldiers, and thus the most misguided of my people.

“Beyond the Great Cave dwells Galenmir, Mokmurian’s general and second-in-command. I would see him dead. You will also find a tannery and armory, with more stone-kin or ogre slaves. Ah, I almost forgot… there is a dangerous kobold warrior who guards the cracks in the wall and keeps the vermin out. In a passage full of mica beyond there will be more guards, charged with watching the pit. I have not been allowed farther in this direction, but the Ancient Ruins, where Mokmurian dwells, should be beyond.

“If you head east from here instead of southwest, you will pass a set of doors carved with an immense sihedron rune. Within dwells Lokansir, charged with the indoctrination and branding of new slaves. Those taken from your village may be here, but do not enter this region lightly. Ancient magics run strong in Lokansir’s blood, and while outwardly he resembles a hill giant, he is strange and dangerous. I have seen the very earth tremble and erupt at his behest.

“Just southeast of Lokansir’s room, the two red dragon captives guard the way forward. Named Econtredor and Sulaminga, they are young, but very dangerous. They serve Mokmurian due to the foul persuasive magics of his lamia priestesses. I have not been allowed past these wyrms, but there must be at least two lamia with Mokmurian in the realm below. I have also seen two heavily armored trolls armed with ranseurs occasionally venture out to make petty demands of my people.

“All I know of the places below is that they are suffused with the ancient magics that once held my people as slaves, and may do so again should Mokmurian have his way. He must be stopped, so we may return to the true path of stone.”