Session 22: Assault on Jorgenfist, Part 1

We headed to the Great Cave to the southwest that Conna had informed us about. This was a sort of dining room, and there were four stone giants eating there. Their meal consisted of live rats and other vermin. Three of the giants were eating together, and the fourth one was at another table by himself. The lone giant was in our way, as our intended passage out of the cave was just beyond where he was sitting; the other giants were far enough away not to be a problem, if we could avoid them seeing us. There was another passage to our left, but it led to the pit, near the area where the dire bears lived. We decided we needed to get past the lone giant to the exit passage behind him.

Ash created a cloud of fog to prevent the three giants from seeing what we were up to, and they didn’t particularly seem to care. The lone giant was alarmed by the fog, but Eliatris cast a Silence spell on him before he could alert the others. We attacked and killed him, and then dragged his body out into the passage that led to the dire bears. We the proceeded out of the dining cave via the exit passage.

As we traveled along this passage, we found a secret door. Behind it was a room with no other exits. Galenmir was there, and as soon as he saw us he drank a potion that appeared to make him stronger, and more fierce. In return, Devin cast Mass Bull’s Strength on our party. We then fought Galenmir, but it did not go as smoothly as we would have liked. Due to some fumbles, Eliatris knocked herself out, and Ash greatly wounded Devin. Eventually however, Gulnyr finished off Galenmir, aided by some bleeding wounds caused by Ash.

We then continued along the passage we had entered this room from, and came to another room where we encountered the kobold that Conna had warned us about. However, Gulnyr quickly rushed her and smacked her with some impressive hits, and she was soon dead without giving us much trouble.

We took the other passage leading from the kobold’s room, and came to a three-way fork, with passages running south, southeast, and east. We first explored the southern fork, which led to a tannery, currently manned by three rune ogres. We fought and killed them, but just as the fight finished, two giants came along. They didn’t see us due to a fog cloud that Ash had placed within the room’s entrance, but they came into the room to investigate. We attacked and killed one of them within the fog cloud, but the other ran down the eastern fork for reinforcements. There were four more giants in the room at the end of that passage. However, by fighting them one at a time by keeping them confined to the narrow passage, we were able to defeat all five of them without too much trouble.

We then explored the southeast fork, which led to the armory. Seven of the kidnapped Sandpoint villagers were here, so we freed them and brought them back to Conna’s cave. They told us that the remaining villagers had been brought to Lokansir, so we headed off to find Lokansir and rescue them. We found the large doors that Conna had told us about, with a giant sihedron rune carved into it.

Behind these doors was a 50′ x 100′ room, with tree trunks embedded in the floor, and manacles attached to the trunks. There were four Sandpoint captives here, bound in those manacles: Mayor Deverin, Aneka Avertin, Nisk Tander, and Vorvashali Voon. We split up to free the captives, and as we were doing so, Lokansir rose up from the dirt. He was a large hill giant, covered in glowing runes. We fought him, but after becoming significantly wounded, he retreated by sinking back into the ground.

We rushed the villagers back to Conna’s cave. We then headed back out to continue exploring, and Lokansir attacked us while we were in the kobold’s room. We fought him again, and once more he retreated when wounded. We then went down the eastern branch of the three-way fork, to the room where four of the five stone giants we fought in this passage had come from. This was a rest area for the giants, and had another passage leading from the other side of it, which then forked to the northeast and the southeast.

We picked a branch, which took us to a cavern filled with the smell of incense and the sound of music. There were pictures of hyenas decorating the walls, and a stone slab stained with blood. Upon the slab lay the body of Jesk Berinni, who had been sacrificed. The two lamias that Conna had told us about were present, and we fought them. During the fight, Lokansir showed up again, and this time we managed to kill him. Unfortunately, the Lamias proved to be tricky, and one of them ran off to fetch the two red dragons to assist them. When they showed up, we retreated quickly, as we were in fairly bad shape, and Devin was unconscious at this point; he had to be carried by Gulnyr.

We ran back the way we had come until we reached the kobold’s room, where there was a crack in the wall large enough for us to squeeze into, but too narrow for our pursuers to follow us into.