Session 23: Assault on Jorgenfist, Part 2

Eliatris managed to flee all the way back to Conna’s cave, and thus was not present when the rest of the party retreated into the crack in the wall. She rested for eight hours, which also allowed Voon enough time to recover his spells.

Meanwhile, the crack led to a network of passages, where the rest of us took shelter. Shortly after arriving, we heard the sound of snarling, and metal boots running away. Gulnyr followed the sounds down a passage, where he saw a tiny old man wielding a scythe, who attacked him. Another such man approached us from a different direction and attacked Devin. Ash ensnared him with a tanglefoot bag, and set him on fire. Meanwhile, Gulnyr killed the first attacker. After the fight, we heard a spell being cast by a dragon who was waiting just outside the crack.

After their rest, Eliatris and Voon set out to find us. They came to the kobold’s room, and saw the dragon asleep next to the crack. Voon suggested that the best way to find us was to scry us and then teleport to our location, and the two of them went off to a safe location to do the casting.

Meanwhile, the rest of us were exploring the network of passages, looking for another way out. We came to a cavern filled with spider webs. We were attacked by shambling husks of dead giant spiders, which spilled smaller spiders from their bodies as they moved. During this fight, Eliatris and Voon teleported in, and helped us kill the spiders. By the end of it, however, Devin had become poisoned, and was unconscious. After Gulnyr revived him with a potion, Devin cast Heal on himself, relieving all damage and ability loss.

Exploring on, we came to an exit that opened in the side of a ravine. There was a river at the bottom, 250 feet below us, and another cave entrance 50 feet above the river. Eliatris tied the Rope of Climbing to herself, and used her Boots of Levitation to investigate the lower cave. Inside were three blue wyverns, who spotted her. She levitated down to the river, pursued by the wyverns. She tied the rope to a rock, and submerged into the river, waiting there until the wyverns returned to their cave. Voon cast Fly on himself, and Spider Climb on Gulnyr, and the party joined Eliatris by the river. We then rested for eight hours.

After our rest, we climbed back up to the cave that we had come from. Using a Find the Path spell, we found our way back to the shrine area. We went to the room with the altar, where the lamias were. As we approached, Devin cast Wall of Stone to block the lamias’ retreat, and to prevent them from retrieving the dragons. We then attacked and killed them. Each one had a Headband of Wisdom; Devin took one, and Eliatris took the other.

We continued our exploration. We came to a corridor whose walls had furs hanging on them like tapestries. As Ash scouted down this corridor, two ranseurs lunged out at her from the walls. Believing that she had triggered a trap, she went further ahead, and then threw a piece of soap onto the floor where she had been when attacked. The ranseurs came out again, but they did so where she was, rather than where the soap was. She returned to the party, and we threw a lamia corpse down the corridor, but nothing happened. We lit the furs on fire, and then used Obscuring Mist to travel down the corridor unseen. At the end of the corridor were openings that led behind the walls. Behind each wall was a troll wielding a ranseur; it was they who had spotted Ash and struck out at her. We killed them.

We then returned to the altar room, where we encountered the giant cook, another stone giant, and three bears. We fought and killed them. Afterwards, we broke through the stone wall that Devin had made, and killed the dragons with ranged attacks while they were chained down. We then returned to Conna’s cave to rest.