Session 24: Death to Mokmurian!

We returned to the corridor in which we had been attacked by trolls wielding ranseurs, and followed a tunnel leading from there. We came to a fork. One direction led to a dead end due to the tunnel having collapsed, and a side passage that led to a small empty room. The other direction led to a large room.

In this room, it was impossible to look at the walls directly. They could only be seen in one’s peripheral vision; the room seemed to stretch to infinity in any direction that one actually looked. We were attacked by an extra-large stone giant with a glowing rune on its chest. During the fight, Gulnyr was hit by a spell that made him smaller. When we killed the giant, he exploded, causing us to take fire damage. We then exited the room through a set of double doors across from where we came in. Gulnyr had to smash them open with his hammer, because he was too short to reach the handle.

This brought us to a corridor that led to a large chamber, measuring about 40 x 70 feet. There was a large cauldron marked with a sihedron symbol, with human remains strewn around it. A large skull-faced golem came at us from behind it. Voon fired a Scorching Ray at it, which dissipated when it hit, doing no damage. We eventually killed the creature, and shortly afterwards Gulnyr returned to normal size. We decided we should disable the cauldron, but it was too heavy to tip over and empty, and too tough to crack. So instead, Voon used Mage Hand to move the burning coals away from it.

We next came to a room containing five dead giants in armor; the one in the center was missing its head. They all came to life and attacked us. The headless one stayed back as we fought the others, and summoned nine human zombies to join the fight. After we killed all of the zombies and giants, a scandarig emerged from the wall and attacked us. Also known as a “Forge Fiend”, this was a metal construct with a mouth in its belly. We defeated it as well.

Exploring on, we came to the scandarig’s lair, which was a room with a 100 foot high vaulted ceiling. After this, we came to a corridor whose ceiling was decorated with sihedrons. There was ancient Thassilonian writing on the walls. Ash used Comprehend Languages to discover that they were meditative prayers to a peacock god. There was a door marked “Library Here”, which had a sihedron-shaped indentation, and no obvious hinges or handles. There was another door, which just had rubble behind it.

There was also a third door, which we opened, and Gulnyr stepped through it into a room with scratch marks on the walls. Three hound-like creatures, known as Hounds of Tindalos, emerged from the corners and attacked him. Eliatris entered the room, and she and Gulnyr killed the hounds.

Another door in this room led to what appeared to be an arcanist library or storeroom. This was a large room containing six pillars, each five feet wide. At the far end was an easy chair and a table; under the table was an iron-bound chest. The room was filled with some kind of mist.

Voon used Dispell Magic to clear the room of mist. After entering the room, we heard a spell being cast, which caused us to be enveloped in a thick fog. It was thick enough to slow us down as we moved through it. Mokmurian was present, floating in the air; he seemed to be a runt of a giant. He cast another cloud, which caused Constitution damage. Eliatris used her boots to levitate to try to attack him, but he cast Disintegrate on her, disabling her. Devin used a Heal spell to get her back up. Mokmurian then used Scorching Ray to knock out Devin.

Voon used Greater Dispell Magic on Mokmurian, which dismissed his flying ability, finally bringing him down where we could fight him directly. Ash healed Devin. Mokmurian fumbled an attack, blinding himself. Voon cast Disintegrate, but Mokmurian resisted, taking less damage. Ash was able to sneak attack Mokmurian while he was blinded, and after a few more rounds of combat, she finished him off.

After he was killed, a disembodied Thassilonian voice spoke to us. It said:

So these are the heroes of the age. More like gasping worms to me – worms to be crushed back into the earth when I awaken the armies of Xin-Shalast, when the name Karzoug is again spoken with fear and awe. Know that the deaths of those marked by the Sihedron – the giants you have so conveniently slain for me – hasten my return, just as yours soon will. Fools, all of you. Is this all you could manage in ten thousand years?