Monthly Archives: September 2015

Session 25: Cleaning Out Jorgenfist

In the room where we fought Mokmurian, there was a stone wall that did not match the stone of the rest of the walls. Devin recognized it as having been created by a Wall of Stone spell. Based on its location, we figured that there was a passage behind it that connected to a door we had seen in a previous corridor, but had not entered. We spent a significant amount of time breaking through the wall so that Ash could investigate, and it did ultimately lead to where we thought it did, with absolutely nothing of interest in between.

There was another door in this room, made of wood. It opened outward, but was blocked by something. Gulnyr smashed through it, and behind it was a cave, which had collapsed.

We returned to the library door that we had previously found. Devin detected abjuration and conjuration magic on it. Ash couldn’t find any trap that she could disable, and Voon suggested that it would likely be safe to open if we used the proper key rather than tampering with the door or lock. Gulnyr severed Mokmurian’s hand from its body, and Ash used the hand to hold the key and unlock the door. The door glowed brightly, and a floating, screaming creature emerged from it and attacked us with fire. The fire could not be put out with water, and the creature was also able to cause the runes on the walls to glow and burn us. We managed to kill it, but Gulnyr and Ash burned for a little while afterwards.

Having exhausted the trap, we were then able to enter the library. It was a large circular room with runes on the wall, furnished with leather chairs and wooden tables. A tall shaft in the center was populated with many books and scrolls. We were greeted by a clockwork librarian who told us of the vast knowledge contained in this room. Voon chose to stay here and perform research while the rest of us continued exploring and clearing out Jorgenfist.

We rested for the night in the library. While the rest of us slept, Voon researched Xin-Shalast. We learned that it was a city in the Kodar Mountains, on the shores of the Avah river. It was the capital of Shalast, one of the seven capitals of Thassilon.

We found Conna the Wise, and brought her Mokmurian’s head to prove that we had killed him. Looking outside, we saw that the various armies had started fighting each other, and Cinderma had allied herself with the Harpies.

There were several buildings within Jorgenfist that we had not yet explored, so we decided to investigate them. The first one we came to was a large dining hall. It was well stocked with meat, bread, and ale. A large fire pit lay in the center, flanked by two large tables. A stone giant cook was in this building, accompanied by a huge bear, and they attacked us. The cook fought with cookware such as a pot and a ladle. We killed them, then moved on to the next building.

This was also a large building. It contained a large bed covered with bear pelts of gold, black, and white. There were also shelves stocked with bear skulls. Ash took the pelts, and in doing so discovered a sack hiding among them, containing coins, gems, and other treasures.

We then went to a third building, which was a stable for mammoths. We heard two frost giants inside speaking. Suddenly, the doors were opened, and one of the giants emerged. The other one was inside mounted on the back of a mammoth. We quickly killed the first giant. Eliatris attacked the mammoth being ridden, while Devin shot at the rider. The mammoth charged out of the stable, trampling Gulnyr on the way, and plunging into a mist cloud that Ash had created.

Eliatris decided to try befriending another mammoth that was in one of the stalls, but as soon as she opened the stall door, it charged and trampled her, and then exited the stable. She then tried to befriend mammoth being ridden, but failed, and it attacked her. The rider then rode it out of the stable.

Gulnyr lit a fire in the far end of the stable, and then freed a third mammoth from one of the stalls. Meanwhile, The giant that had left found Cinderma, and pointed her and the harpies towards the stable. Cinderma beheaded the giant, and then headed towards us. The harpies descended upon Eliatris, while Ash was invisible nearby. Gulnyr charged at the harpies. Devin had been unaware of what was happening due to Ash’s mist cloud, so he was on his way back to the previous building, assuming the others would regroup there, before noticing the fight with the harpies and joining in. We killed two of them, and the third one retreated. Cinderma killed it as she approached us. We managed to kill Cinderma, though Eliatris was knocked out twice during the fight.

At this point, Conna arrived with 18 stone giant allies. She told us she would be leading her people away from here. She also mentioned that there was something wrong in the dark tower, which we would have to deal with before we left.

We went to investigate the cave that we saw when we first arrived at Jorgenfist. It contained a dragon’s horde.

We returned to the library, and Voon shared what he had learned in our absence. He had researched Karzoug. Karzoug was the Runelord of greed, a transmutation expert, and had ruled Shalast. Voon had also learned about the Runeforge. This was a shared magical laboratory, constructed by the seven Runelords. Each of the Runelords had a different magical specialty, and they decided they could learn greater magical knowledge if they combined their research. They were not allowed to enter the laboratory themselves, but instead each sealed a trusted servant inside the forge to do the actual work. Once a year, they would meet with their servants to learn what had been achieved. They were particularly focused on researching hibernation.

We went to the dark tower, to find the “wrongness”. When we opened the door, we found it to be very cold inside, and the floor was covered with frost. We went up to the top floor, where we found the harpies’ nests. They were filled with entrails and corpses. We returned to the ground floor, and found a trap door under two inches of ice. We broke through the ice and opened it, and beneath it was a vertical shaft. Devin cast Light on a piece of ice and dropped it down the hole; the floor was 70 feet below. We used the Rope of Climbing to descend, and Eliatris used her Boots of Levitation.

A strange voice babbled at us, and a mummy appeared, floating in the air. He was holding a cylinder covered in green glowing runes, and spewed forth a green gas cloud at us. We fought him, and during the fight he covered the floor in swarms of beetles. Devin repeatedly channeled energy at the mummy. Gulnyr lifted Ash off of the floor to avoid her getting hurt by the beetles. Eliatris was levitating using her boots. The mummy shot a ray at us that blinded us. Eliatris picked up Devin off of the floor. The mummy hit Devin, causing him to contract Mummy Rot. Devin finished off the mummy with another blast of energy, and then used a bunch of spells to cure himself of his affliction.