Monthly Archives: November 2015

Session 27: Seeking the Runeforge

We learned that Hannah Velerin is now in charge of the Sandpoint Cathedral, since Father Zantus was killed.

We split up to speak with various towsfolk to see if anyone could help us solve the riddle leading to the location of the Runeforge’s entrance. Eliatris spoke with Savah at her armory. Savah told her that the Scarnettis have been harassing her lately. Her only suggestion as to the possible location of the Runeforge was to head north.

Ash went to the bookstore to talk to Chask. When she arrived, Quink was there as well, the two of them having their usual argument about history. Ash overheard them saying unkind things about her before she entered the store. She asked them about the Runeforge, but neither of them knew anything about it. Quink showed her a children’s picture book titled “History”. Ash asked if they knew of any place where there were seven monuments near a lake, but they did not.

Meanwhile, Devin went to the monastery to speak with Sorn. He showed her the riddle, and she said that she knew the answer, but would not tell him. She instead invited him to meditate so that Irori may give him enlightenment. When he did, he experienced a vision of seven stone heads in a circle facing each other; one of the heads had the face of Karzoug.

Gulnyr spoke with Ameiko. Her suggestion was to try Lake Stormunder.

The next day, Devin prepared a Wind Walk spell, and we used it to travel to Lake Stormunder. There we found the seven stone heads that Devin had seen in his vision. Nearby was a stone stairway with giant-sized steps, leading up the Rineskull mountain, into the open mouth of a large face carved into the stone. Shortly after arriving, we saw a white hare run by. This hare had a single horn on its head, like a unicorn.

Each of the seven runelords was originally associated with one of the seven virtues, which they perverted into the seven deadly sins. Each runelord was also associated with a particular school of magic. We deduced from the riddle that if we cast a spell from the appropriate magic school on each stone head representing the associated Runelord, this would provide us with the keys to the Runeforge. The associated virtues, sins, and magic schools, as well as the spells that we used, are as follows:

  • Kindness -> Wrath: Evocation; Light
  • Zeal -> Sloth: Conjuration; Create Water
  • Humility -> Pride: Illusion; Ventrilloquism
  • Love -> Lust: Enchantment; Wrath
  • Generosity -> Greed: Transmutation; Mending
  • Temperance -> Gluttony: Necromancy; Enervation
  • Charity -> Envy: Abjuration; Resistance

Eliatris cast the first spell, Light, on the appropriate head, and a golden key appeared in its mouth. Devin then cast Detect Magic on all of the heads, but this did not produce a key. Just then, the hare came back, and attacked us. Gulnyr tried to grab it, but it impaled his hand with its horn. Devin and Eliatris killed it.

We next got the keys for Sloth and Envy. Suddenly, we felt the air getting cold, and Gulnyr became shaken. A white dragon flew over us and attacked. This dragon was known among the Shoanti as Arkrhyst, or “Freezemaw”. After it passed by, we took cover behind the stone heads, while quickly obtaining three more keys. When the dragon came back, it landed on top of Eliatris. As we fought it, Ash obtained the last two keys. As the dragon crushed Eliatris, she played dead to trick the dragon into letting her go prematurely. The dragon did so, but flew off with Gulnyr in its mouth. Gulnyr drank a potion of Fly, but the dragon dispelled its effect, and then dropped Gulnyr right onto Eliatris, killing her. Fortunately, Devin was able to cast Breath of Life on her in time to revive her.

Since we now had all seven keys, we decided to flee up the stairs as quickly as possible rather than continue to fight the dragon. Ash cast Fly on Gulnyr, who grabbed Devin and Eliatris, and flew them to the base of the stairs. Devin cast Air Walk on himself to climb upwards, while the others used Fly spells to fly up. Partway up, Ash cast Fly on Devin as well.

Meanwhile, the dragon had turned itself invisible, and flew to the landing at the top of the stairs to wait for us. Gulnyr and Eliatris were the first to arrive, and the dragon breathed on them. Devin suggested that we retreat into the cave at the back of the landing, and that he would then cast Wall of Stone to block the dragon from following. After we went into the cave, but before Devin could cast, the dragon cast Wall of Ice to block our retreat, and then picked up Ash in its mouth. Gulnir smashed a hole in the ice wall. Devin attacked the dragon with Searing Light, and it spit out Ash, and put up another ice wall further into the tunnel. Ash drank a potion to become gaseous, while Eliatris went through the hole in the ice wall, taking enough damage from the cold to fall unconscious. Finally, Devin was able to cast Wall of Stone with everyone but the dragon in the tunnel, but he couldn’t create enough stone to avoid leaving gaps above and below the wall. The dragon breathed into the tunnel, killing Eliatris again. Gulnyr grabbed her, and we made our way down the tunnel, toward the dragon’s lair. The dragon, meanwhile, started burrowing into the wall.

We came to a place where there were two 12-foot tall statues of men holding swords. Gulnyr gave Ash a scroll of Limited Wish, which she used to cast Shadowy Haven, giving us a place to rest for a day. We cast Light on a sling bullet, and threw it out of the haven so that it would seal the entrance for two hours.

The next day, Ash left the haven to try to find the dragon’s horde, and to try to find a diamond large enough to use for a Raise Dead spell to resurrect Eliatris. Beyond the statues the floor was sloped and covered with black ice. The corridor led to a round room with icicles hanging from the ceiling, below which was a deep shaft. She went down the shaft to the lower level, and found the dragon’s horde there. Many passages led from it in various directions. In the middle of the room was a large pillar, surrounded by seven smaller pillars. Each of the smaller pillars had a keyhole, and all of the pillars had Thassilonian runes. Ash found and retrieved an appropriate diamond, and then returned to the haven.

Devin cast Raise Dead on Eliatris. Ash then cast Fly on all of us, and we went to the horde chamber. We used the keys in the pillars, and a portal opened up in the central pillar. Devin cast Detect Magic on the horde so we could find and quickly grab some magic treasure before entering the portal. We each grabbed one item, and then entered.

We found ourselves in a ten-foot wide stone tunnel, which led to a 200 square foot chamber. There was a pool in the middle of the chamber, and a sihedron carved on the floor. There were also seven statues present, with a corridor behind each one.