Session 29: Land of the Lust

A wizard named Dottie emerged from the wall. She had entered the Runeforge before the corruption of the Runelords, or perhaps before she realized that the Runelords had become corrupted. Upon being confronted with a great horror, she fled into a wall in this room, and put herself in a stasis that would last until someone aligned with the forces of good came near. All these years later, Eliatris triggered Dottie’s release as she passed near.

We returned to the entrance hub room, and decided to explore the Lust-aligned spoke, to retrieve an Enchanted item. We travelled for roughly three miles down this corridor, until we came close to the entryway to a vast chamber. As we approached, we heard the sounds of battle. Ash scouted ahead, and saw a grand cathedral. It had pillars carved into the form of the Runelord Sorshen, a number of cube-shaped cages hanging from the ceiling, and a large square tent in the middle. Inside this room were three stone giants, two Shining Children, and five succubi, all engaged in battle against Freezemaw.

We decided to join the battle to help put an end to Freezemaw. One of the succubi asked Eliatris if she would help them, but she did not agree to join their side, indicating that we were on our own side. Eliatris then cast Dispell Magic, which removed the dragon’s protection from fire. Devin attempted to hit the dragon with a Destruction spell, but failed to penetrate its spell resistance. Seeing that we were fighting the dragon, a succubus cast Haste on us. Devin next tried to hit the dragon with Flame Strike, but was again thwarted by its resistance. Gulnyr and Eliatris engaged the dragon head on, while Dottie used a Flaming Sphere against it. Devin then used Greater Dispell Magic, which removed several of the dragon’s magical effects, including its ability to see invisible creatures. We eventually slew Freezemaw, with Ash delivering the killing blow using a sling bullet imbued with alchemist’s fire.

The succubus Delvahine, servant of Sorshen, approached us and requested that we leave them in peace, and in return they would not bother us. Gulnyr told her that we were planning to defeat Karzoug, and that we needed an item from them to do so. She agreed to provide us the necessary item, at a price: Devin must spend 50 minutes in the tent with her and her companions. She guaranteed that he would come out alive, and with no permanent obligations. We agreed to these terms. 50 minutes later, Devin emerged from the tent with 14 negative levels, and a single hit point remaining.

We returned to the entrance room. Examining Devin, a message was discovered carved on his back. It told us that we still needed a key, which the servants of Sorshen did not posess; we would have to find it in another Runelord’s domain. Eliatris cast Restoration on Devin, which removed all of his negative levels, and then we rested for the night.

We next ventured to the abjurant halls of Envy. This area was damaged. Bits of the wall were strewn on the ground, and we could see that these were parts of a mural depicting wizards. A green-lipped mouth appeard before us, and warned us that we were not worthy, and would die if we proceeded further.

We went ahead anyway, and came to a room where a battle had occurred. There was a silver rod embedded in the middle of the floor. Electrical charges danced around it, while flames repeatedly flickered on the walls. Gulnyr, Ash, and Eliatris ventured into the room, while Devin and Dottie remained back. The rod started to hum, and we all moved further away from it, with those who had entered moving forward out a different corridor than the one we arrived by. A pulse of energy erupted from the rod, hitting magic items belonging to Dottie and Ash. A number of Ash’s items became inert, and her Cloak of Elvenkind lost its magic permanently.

Ash dropped her magic items at a safe distance from the rod, and approached it. She picked up the rod and tapped it on the ground several times, and this stablized it, making it no longer a threat. It turned out to be a broken Rod of Cancellation.

We proceeded ahead, and came to a room that smelled of mustard and vinegar. There was a yellow-colored ooze on the floor. It lunged at Gulnyr, who recoiled and stepped on one of Ash’s potions, which was still lying on the floor. The ooze grappled him, seriously damaging his armor with its acidity. We fought and killed the ooze.

The room from which the ooze emerged was a dead end, but Gulnyr discovered a hidden panel, which he opened to reveal a lever, plus a stash of four potions. One of the potions was Haste, and the other three were Cure Serious Wounds. The lever was disconnected from its mechanism, but Ash was able to fix it. Gulnyr pulled the lever, which sounded an alarm; he immediately pulled the lever again to stop it.

There was another exit from the room that contained the rod. We explored it, and came to a room containing a 10-foot by 10-foot square pool of what appeared to be mercury. We determined that it was actually Ethillion, a substance which one can imbibe to make the creation of magic items easier.

We returned to the damaged library in which we found Dottie, because we had never explored the third door that was there. Ash used her gloves to peek into the room behind it, and saw a large bed, a writing desk, and a suspicious looking armoire. Eliatris opened the door and entered the room. Suddenly, six clones of Delvahine emerged from the bed and started shrieking. Four of them began chanting a spell, while the other two attacked Eliatris, using a vampiric touch. The ones that were casting summoned four demons, who then used Dimension Door to exit that room to attack the rest of us. We fought and killed all of our foes, with Devin dealing much of the damage by channeling energy.