Session 30: The Silver Man of Greed

After returning to the entrance hub room, we ventured down the passage toward the area associated with Greed. The tunnel came to a dead end, with a jewel-encrusted iron door on the right hand wall. Ash attempted to see what was beyond the door using her gloves, but in doing so she inadvertently activated a trap. The door was fake, and sprung forward to crush her against the opposite wall. After recovering from this, she searched the wall directly ahead of us, and found a secret door.

We opened the door, beyond which was a corridor whose walls were made of expensive wood, with gold and silver runes embedded in them. The corridor was also filled with purple mist. It was thin where we were, but the mist abruptly became thicker at a point up ahead, and it had firefly-like motes floating within the thicker part. Dottie was able to determine that if we were to enter the thick mist unprotected, it would teleport us somewhere else, while transforming us into goldfish. She then magically created a gust of wind which cleared a path through the mist just long enough for us to pass through it unharmed.

We came to a polished marble room, which had a pool of water in the center, decorated with an ice sculpture of a whale. There were some small winged creatures, mephits, cavorting in the pool. They noticed our presence and began to talk about us to each other, concerned that we would slobber into their pool if we came near it. They also expressed surprise that we could talk when we addressed them, and then suggested that perhaps we could use a bath after all.

Two passages besides the one we came from led from this room, on opposite sides. When Gulnyr looked down one of them, one of the creatures warned him not to go to far, or else the “silver man” would get him. When Dottie spoke, the creatures were amused by her voice, and said that she might sound better under water. Ash responded that the silver man might also sound better under water, and the creatures took offense at this, and cast Stinking Cloud. Devin told them that we were formidable foes, and they offered us their friendship and allowed us to pass. The also requested that we tell the silver man not to kill any more of them.

We exited through the west passage, which led to a room with a fountain in the center, with goldfish swimming in it. We realized that the goldfish had formerly been people who had passed through the purple mist. There was also a stone statue in the room. When Gulnyr stepped in, it became animated, and attacked us. Gulnyr and Eliatris killed it, but three more approached from other rooms, attracted by the commotion. We killed them all.

We continued forward down another passage leading from this room. This corridor had four doors along one wall. We opened the first door, behind which was a small storage room containing various materials. Gulnyr took a platinum bar from this room, and Ash took some linens. As soon as they left the room, the items they took turned into worthless junk. We checked the other three doors, which all had similar storage rooms behind them.

The corridor ended at another room with a fountain of goldfish in the center. There was a door in this room, and Ash looked through it using her gloves. She saw a large room containing shelves full of books and scrolls, and cages holding live animals. We opened the door, and were immediately approached by a silvery man, who was floating above the ground. He identified himself as Ordiken, and began casting spells at us. One of the spells was Prismatic Spray, which hit Eliatris, and caused her to be banished to the plane of Abaddon. The rest of us fought Ordiken, and when he was almost dead, he teleported away. He left a spellbook behind, which Dottie took.

Another door led from this room, and Ash looked through it to see a room with several statues, occupied by a giant boar-like creature. We briefly returned to the room with the mephits, and verified that the eastern passage looped back to the same areas we had already explored. We then went into the room with the boar-like creature.

The creature identified himself as Zuvuzag, and informed us that he cannot allow us to harm Ordiken until we free him from his binding. Zuvuzag was bound here by Izzomandicus, who demanded that Zuvuzag make him laugh, cry, cheer, and shriek, by telling him a series of tales. He made him laugh, cry, and cheer, but Izzomandicus died before he was made to shriek. Devin attempted to break the binding by casting Greater Dispell Magic, but it failed to have an effect. Zuvuzag refused to let us pass until Devin succeeded. We then attacked and killed him, with Devin using up his remaining charges of Channel Energy for the day, and Gulnyr using up the rest of his rage.

Ash looked through the other door from this room, and saw Ordiken meditating while floating above a pool of liquid that had charges of electricity flowing through it. She cast Fly on all of us, and then opened the door. Ordiken immediately responded by casting Fireball at us. Dottie cast Prismatic Spray at him, but he resisted its effects. Gulnyr then flew over the pool at him, but Ordiken reversed gravity in the room, which caused the liquid to fly up at Gulnyr, though it missed him due to his blinking ability. As the rest of us moved into the room, being near the liquid had a debilitating effect on on us. Devin failed to resist the effect, and it lowered his intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. Ordiken reverted gravity to normal, attempting to splash Gulnyr again, but it missed him once more. Ordiken then cast a fear effect, which caused Devin and Ash to run away. The liquid then effected Gulnyr, severely lowering his charisma. Gulnyr then bull-rushed Ordiken away from the pool of liquid, but Ordiken responded by teleporting out of the room, some ways down the hall. Here, Dottie killed him using Shocking Grasp.