Session 31: A Brief Jaunt to Abaddon

We healed up and rested for the night, and Devin used enough Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells to relieve everyone’s ability damage. The next morning, Devin cast Scry to try to find Eliatris in the plane of Abaddon. He saw her sitting on a log in a vast swampland teeming with buzzing insects. A large group of ragged humanoids was gathered around her as if to draw comfort from her presence. Dottie informed us that those beings were known as “The Hunted“.

We planned to go to Abaddon by means of a Plane Shift spell, which required the creation of a fork attuned to that plane. We prepared such an item by dipping a fork into the remains of the ooze that we had fought earlier. Devin then cast the spell, and we arrived in Abaddon. We found ourselves near a gigantic structure composed of decaying bones and flesh, the corpse of a long dead creature. Nearby was a stone tower several miles tall, from which a river of blood flowed. Unfortunately, we knew that Eliatris could be many miles away from our location, putting her out of range of spells such as Locate Object.

We were suddenly attacked by five wolf-like creatures. They had the ability lure their prey towards them, and succeeded in using this talent on Dottie. Two of the creatures attacked her, while Devin healed her, and Gulnyr fought the other three. Dottie managed to get away and put her two opponents into a Force Cage, while Gulnyr finished killing the others, and we then left the area.

Dottie cast Sending to deliver a message to Eliatris, asking her to describe a prominent landmark that was near to her, and saying that we would meet her there. Eliatris indicated the big toe of the left foot of a giant skeletal tower near the river Styx. Devin then cast Find the Path to guide us to this location, and Wind Walk to allow us to travel the distance quickly. As we got near our destination, Dottie cast Locate Object to pinpoint Eliatris, and Ash cast Fly on us to use for our final approach.

As we approached Eliatris, she and the Hunted were attacked by three leukodaemons, bird-like humanoid creatures with horse heads. Eliatris killed one just as we arrived, but another one knocked her out. Devin healed her, while Ash killed a second daemon. The third one breathed a cloud of insects at us. We killed it, but as we did so, we heard a large creature approaching.  Devin quickly cast Plane Shift to return us to the Runeforge, just as a four-legged horned behemoth arrived.

We found ourselves in a round room with a 30 foot high domed ceiling. The floor was a cross-shaped bridge high above a floor that was occupied by a number of stone sarcophagi. Each arm of the bridge led to a door on the wall. There were four statues on the wall at our level, spaced between the doors, and each one had a name displayed above it. The statues were:

  • Gorryan: a person holding a plate of meat and cheese
  • Inib: a person holding a plate of grapes and bread
  • Aanstrin: a person holding a plate of candy
  • Xerriock: a large open mouth, with teeth filed to sharp points.

Ash used her gloves to look through one of the doors. As she did so, she noticed that it felt quite cold to the touch. Beyond it, she saw a room with iron-plated walls. Two crystal pylons stood in the middle, with a curtain of blackness draped between them, and electricity flowing from each pylon into one of two alcoves.

She checked the other three doors as well, each of which also felt cold. Behind one door were a number of brutally savaged human bodies, dressed in blue robes that were stained with blood. Behind the next was a hallway lined with a few stone sarcophagi. Behind the last was a round room whose walls were adorned with ten carvings of skulls, each of which appeared to have bits of actual flesh in their teeth.

Gulnyr used his blinking ability to step through this last door, and as he did so, he was struck with negative energy. Two wraiths stepped out of the wall at him, and he retreated back out of the room. Two more wraiths appeared from the walls into the room we were currently in. Eliatris shot them with Chain Lightning. The original two came out as well, and then Devin destroyed them all by channeling energy.

We opened the door, and Gulnyr and Eliatris stepped into the round room. Ash used Wind Walk to drift in as a cloud. Five of the skulls opened up, and a mummy stepped out of each one. They caused Gulnyr and Ash to become paralyzed with fear, and Dottie used a Wall of Force to fence off three of them. As we fought the other two, a larger mummy arrived and joined the fight. We killed the large mummy and the two smaller ones that we could reach, and then exited the room through a door located opposite the one we came in by.

Beyond this door was a long corridor that led back to the central hub of the Runeforge. When we arrived at the hub, we discovered that Gulnyr and Dottie were afflicted with diseases from Abaddon. Devin had a single Remove Disease spell prepared, which he used to cure one of Dottie’s afflictions.