Monthly Archives: July 2016

Session 35: The Halls of Wrath

After getting Zacartas resurrected, we returned to the Runeforge to explore the halls of Wrath. We found ourselves in a large, tall chamber. On one wall was a mural of a red-haired woman wielding a ranseur, riding a dragon. At the far end of the room, up on a high ledge, was an iron golem equipped with a bow. It attacked us as we moved into the room. As we fought it, we discovered that using fire attacks against it caused it to heal. Also, it was capable of breathing poison gas. We destroyed the golem, and moved on.

The next room we came to had two runic circles on the floor; one was blue, and the other was red. Zacartas determined that they were teleportation circles. The room had no other exits besides the doorway through which we entered. We attempted to use the red circle to leave, but nothing happened, because the red one was the arrival pad, while the blue one was for departing. So we each stepped on the blue circle, one at a time.

Gulnyr teleported first, arriving in a small rectangular room that had its own pair of runic circles, though the blue one was inactive. One side of the room was open into a short corridor, beyond which was a much larger room, occupied by six sinspawn and six warriors. The warriors were under the effects of Mirror Image spells.

Takar arrived next, and as soon as he did, the warriors bombarded him with Magic Missiles, instantly bringing him very close to unconsciousness. The sinspawn moved into this room to attack Gulnyr and Takar, and two of them had Takar trapped in a corner. Roy then arrived, and entangled those two enemies, and Takar subsequently used his Earth Glide ability to move through the walls to get away. As Roy used bombs to attack the enemies, Takar put up a wall of magma to try to provide some cover from the warriors, but they were able to cast a Fireball spell through the wall, doing lots of damage to us, and killing the remaining sinspawn.

By this time, Devin, Ash, and Zacartas had arrived in turn. Zacartas cast Black Tentacles into the other room to pummel the warriors. Gulnyr moved in to attack as well, using his blinking ability to pass through the stone walls in order to avoid the magma wall. We killed the warriors, and Ash figured out how to activate the blue runic circle that we had arrived near.

With the enemies killed, we proceded to investigate the large room. It contained a number of armored combat practice dummies that were magically self-repairing. There were also two more pairs of teleportation pads. We picked one, and used its blue pad to travel to the next location, in the same order as before.

Gulnyr arrived in a chamber containing alchemical supplies and work tables. There was also a large vat of pulsating flesh. Eight more warriors were present, and they immediately attacked Gulnyr with Magic Missiles. Takar then arrived, and used Earth Glide to hide inside the wall as soon as he spotted the enemies. Gulnyr then got hit with more missiles, and some of the warriors flung globs of flesh at him from the vat. Roy then arrived, and the warriors immediately shot seven fireballs at him and Takar, bringing Takar to unconsciousness. Next, Devin arrived, and he and Roy were hit with seven more fireballs, nearly knocking Devin out. Ash arrived next. Roy activated the teleportation pad corresponding to the one we had arrived in, and Devin stepped through it to retreat, after casting Heal on Takar to get him back up. Seven warriors shot Magic Missiles at Ash, killing her. Finally, Zacartas arrived, and put up a Wall of Force to block off five of the warriors from us.

We killed the enemies that were on our side of the wall, and Zacartas used Temporary Resurrection to get Ash back up. He then used Dimension Step to go to the other side of the Wall of Force, at which point the enemies all fired Scorching Rays at him. However, Zacartas was equipped with the rod that we obtained from Jordimandus, and it absorbed all of the spell energy. Zacartas attacked with Magic Missiles, while the enemies attacked him with Fireballs. Zacartas then dropped the force wall, and the rest of us moved in to attack, finishing off the enemies.

We studied the room, and determined that its purpose is to turn warriors of wrath into sinspawn. We then returned to the previous large chamber, to use the remaining teleportation circle. This one brought us to a room containing weapons. A mural on the wall depicted the same red-haired woman as on the previous mural, though this time she was standing atop a tower. There was an archway in this room, filled with roiling black smoke. Zacartas dispelled the smoke, allowing us to see the rest of the room beyond it. There was a large sihedron emblem on the floor, and floating in the air was the woman from the murals. As soon as she saw us, she shouted, “For fury and hell fire!”