
As Runelord Karzoug dies, the soul lens above his Runewell shatters with a blinding flash of light caused by the energy from greedy souls being unleashed. This blast of soul energy immediately heals all damage and cures all debilitating conditions (including death) suffered by any creature in the Eye of Avarice. Grim Gulnyr and Devoted Devin find themselves suddenly alive again, with Devin appearing next to the shattered lens. The dragon and giants are also restored, but they surrender immediately upon seeing the heroes victorious. Only Karzoug is unaffected, as the souls that would have powered his return flee from his grasp.

At first there appears to be no way to escape the Eye of Avarice. Attempts to plane shift or the use of similar magics are blocked by the strange runewell artifact. This situation changes, however, as a beleaguered pair of warriors arrive just minutes later… Thord and Phillipe. Thord reports that the forces loyal to Karzoug have been routed, but not without heavy losses among the giant rebels. Phillipe is drawn inexorably to the runewell. Perhaps not entirely in control of his own actions, he plunges his sword into the well from which it was born… a thunderous crash and another brilliant flash follows, threatening to blind all that watch.

When the second brilliant flash of strange light clears, the air seems to grow thin and cold and the smoky walls of the place vanish. The runewell has returned to its place at the base of the Pinnacle of Avarice, and its golden waters freeze – whatever magic the runewell might have once contained has been consumed in this final catastrophic turn of events. However, in shifting back to the Prime Material Plane, all experience a moment of disorientation as six disparate but shadowy locations flash, dreamlike, through their minds. Six more runewells reacted to the destruction of the runewell of greed.

And so ends the great threat of Karzoug the Claimer, Runelord of Greed. In the following months the reports of giant incursions falls back to “normal” levels. The adventurers who brought about the end of Karzoug are given a hero’s treatment in Magnimar and Sandpoint for their suspected role in ending the giant menace… but few know the epic truth of their true accomplishment. Still, word does have a way of spreading, and it is not long before the Pathfinder Society contacts you and asks for your story. Any willing to tell them of the location of Xin-Shalast, show them the route and escort them there are offered the staggering sum of 30,000 gp as a reward. However, the heroes know that the city remains extremely dangerous, as civil war erupts between the remaining rune giants and their forces.

Sandpoint slowly rebuilds after the giant attack. Mayor Kendra Deverin sees to it that a monument is erected to commemorate the so-called “Heroes of Sandpoint.”, but it is quickly and effectively defaced, probably by the Scarnettis.

Brodert Quink enjoys brief acclaim and academic fame for his association with the heroes and their endorsement of his theory about the “lighthouse death ray.” This favor quickly falls away when he begins to aggressively push a theory that the lighthouse was once also mobile, with eight legs and a playful temperament. Soon he is a forgotten scholar once again, spending his days in the local bookshop with his unknown associates.

Ameiko Kaijitsu of the Rusty Dragon Inn, digging into her father’s tragic history, makes an interesting discovery about her past. She leaves in the night with a group of adventurers, and is not heard from again. The Rusty Dragon Inn ownership passes via a scrawled note to the twins Aneka and Arika Avertin, and it enjoys a new success under their successful management.

Vorvashali Voon remains master of the library at Jorgenfist for the space of three months, during which time he forms an association with the Aspis Consortium in order to “properly distribute” the wealth of Thassilon to the wider world. This association ends abruptly when all of Jorgenfist mysteriously disappears in a huge, spectacular explosion heard even from distant Kaer Maga. Reports on Voon’s fate or the whereabouts of the many books in his library are unreliable, to say the least, but there are some mentions of his last recorded visitor, a human wizard accompanied by a white cat named Lyrie Akenja.

Shalelu Andosana continues to distinguish herself as the new Head of the Black Arrows, and Fort Rannick becomes a stronger bastion of safety and strength than ever before. Turtleback Ferry enjoys a new surge of commerce as a result, especially with tourists looking for sightings of the legendary “Black Magga.”

In Magnimar, Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras continues to rule his city effectively. Some say that city life improved in the following few months due to a secret council of new advisors that the Mayor employed, but these accounts are also never more than rumors.

Of Foxglove Manor little is known, as no one who travels there ever seems to return.

And somewhere, in some forsaken tomb, an elegant woman holding a glass of choice red wine silently toasts a certain band of adventurers even as she regards the shining runewell before her with great interest.