Session 19: Attack of the Giants

We fought Lucretia and the two stone giants accompanying her, during which Barl Breakbones cast offensive spells, the other giant hurled stones, and Lucretia teleported in for quick attacks before teleporting away again. At one point, Barl used Vampiric touch on Eliatris. We killed all of our opponents, or so we thought, but it turned out that Lucretia’s death was just an illusion. We discovered her true self hiding invisibly in the corner, and she teleported away once found. Searching the bodies of the giants, we found that Barl had a letter, written not only in another language, but encoded as well.

We returned to the Shimmer Glen, and delivered Lamatar Bayden‘s remains to Myriana‘s ghost. She resurrected Lamatar, and granted Devin a boon to some of his skills in gratitude. Then she faded away.

We went to Magnimar and reported to Lord-Mayor Grobaras, who gave us our reward. We then spent some time in the city shopping. After this we went to Sandpoint. Along the way, we noticed some burning hoof prints by the side of the road.

Upon arrival in Sandpoint, we were greeted by Mayor Deverin. We then went to the garrison to see Sheriff Hemlock, who told us there had been recent rumors of supernatural occurrences. He also mentioned that Savah Bevaniky, who owns the armory in Sandpoint, has mysteriously fallen ill. She was currently in the care of Father Zantus, who could not figure out the nature of her ailment.

After seeing the sheriff, Gulnyr went to The Blind Sorcerer, Ash went to Chask Haladan‘s bookstore, and Devin and Eliatris went to the cathedral to inquire about Savah. At The Blind Sorcerer, Gulnyr drank with the dwarf Volioker. Risa‘s children, Besk, Lanalee, and Vodger, were also present.

On the way to the cathedral, Devin and Eliatris noticed that Savah’s place was closed, some of its windows were broken, and there was paint splattered on it. At the cathedral, Zantus told them that Savah had been sick for two weeks. We determined that she had been poisoned, and Eliatris cured her of it, though she remained unconscious for the time being.

On the way to Chask’s bookstore, Ash ran into Cyrdak Drokkus, who expressed interest in hiring her for a show. At the bookstore, she saw Chask, and Brodert Quink was there as well. She gave the encoded letter to Chask to translate, and he said he would have it figured out soon.

After leaving the cathedral, Devin went to the House of Blue Stones, the monastery run by Sabyl Sorn. He once again failed to prove himself worthy of entering the library, so he stayed and meditated for a while.

Meanwhile, Eliatris went to Pillbug’s Potions, the potion shop run by Aliver Podiker, to find out if anyone had recently bought poison from him. However, Aliver was unwilling to talk, and insisted that Eliatris leave him alone. She then went across the street to Bottled Solutions, and spoke with the proprietor, Nisk Tander. Nisk told her that the Shoanti were responsible for poisoning Savah. He said that the Shoanti have ties to organized crime, and a Shoanti dock worker has been seen visiting Savah several times recently. This same person purchased some potions from Nisk.

That evening, as we ate dinner at the Rusty Dragon, we heard rumors that the Sandpoint Devil had been seen recentnly out in the farmlands on moonless nights. Kaye Tesarani, owner of the brothel The Pixie’s Kitten, was also there, and mentioned that the Shoanti have been visiting her esablishment recently, paying in Scarnetti coins.

The next morning, Brodert Quink came by, frantically looking for Ash. He had the translation of the letter. It read:


Latest contact with Teraktinus indicates he has narrowed the search — he believes a human town called Sandpoint could hide what my lord seeks. Teraktinus will lead several of the people, as well as the dragon, on a raid into the town soon. When they return, they may be pursued, and I may need your ogre slaves to aid in Teraktinus’s retreat to Jorgenfist. Be ready to return at my command!

We split up to try to gain more information and prepare for the impending attack on Sandpoint. Unfortunately, the attack came almost immediately. Three stone giants attacked and broke through the north wall. Devin and Gulnyr arrived to find a few of the town guard trying to defend. Meanwhile, two more stone giants, accompanied by three bears, attacked from across the river to the northeast. The giants were carrying large sacks, and had begun capturing some of the townsfolk and putting them inside. Ash and Eliatris joined in the defense at that location, and soon Lyrie Akenja showed up to help as well. A dragon then joined in the attack, flying in from over the lighthouse and engulfing the garrison in flame.

Unfortunately, our party was not able to stop the onslaught, and the giants soon moved deeper into the town. The giants demanded to be brought beer, and continued capturing townsfolk. Some giants attacked Scarnetti Manor. Gulnyr and Devin ran to the cathedral, where they met the dragon, as well as a giant and two bears. During the fray, Father Zantus emerged from the cathedral to heal Devin. Savah, having recovered from her poisoning, also came out to join in the fight. Just then, the giant hurled a rock at Zantus, killing him. Shortly afterwards, Gulnyr killed the dragon, and Savah and Devin killed one of the bears. The giant and the other bear then ran off.

Gulnyr, Devin, and Savah then retreated into the cathedral, and watched as a group of giants, including Teraktinus, walked by carrying a piece of the lighthouse. Finished with their attack, the giants left the town.

After regrouping, we found out that the mayor was one of the people who had been kidnapped. The sheriff and Ameiko were hurt, but alive. The Scarnettis had managed to capture a giant as a prisoner, and Titus Scarnetti addressed the crowd, attempting to make himself out as a hero. However, the sheriff insisted that our party be the ones to interrogate the giant.