
Abstalar Zantus

Cleric of the Sandpoint Cathedral.


A diva from Magnimar. She was in Sandpoint during the Swallowtail Festival to perform at Cyrdak's theater.

Aldern Foxglove

A nobleman in Sandpoint. Our party defended him in the goblin attack at the Swallowtail Festival, for which he expressed gratitude.

Aliver Podiker

The owner of a potion shop in Sandpoint.

Ameiko Kaijitsu

The owner of the Rusty Dragon Inn. She is the daughter of Lonjiku and Atsuii, and the half-sister of Tsuto.

Amele Barett

A woman who asked our party for help in subduing a "closet goblin" that had invaded her home and tormented her son Aeren and baby daughter Verah.

Aneka Avertin

Runs a bakery in Sandpoint with her twin sister, Arika.

Arika Avertin

Runs a bakery in Sandpoint with her twin sister, Aneka.

Atsuii Kaijitsu

The wife of Lonjiku Kaijitsu, and the mother of Ameiko and Tsuto.

Banny Harker

Operator of the lumber mill in Sandpoint, along with his partner Ibor Thorn. Banny was murdered in the mill, along with his lover Katrine Vinder.

Belor Hemlock

The sheriff of Sandpoint.

Bethanna Corwin

A halfling maid in the employ of Ameiko Kaijitsu.

Big Gugmut

The leader of the Mosswood goblins, and believed to be the offspring of a hobgoblin and a boar.

Brodert Quink

A Thassilonian Scholar who resides in Sandpoint. He imparted crazy theories about the lighthouse to Ash when she first visited him.


A bugbear ranger. He was working with Tsuto Kaijitsu and the goblins in their conspiracy against Sandpoint.

Caizarlu Zerren

A necromancer who has a laboratory in the basement of Erin Habe's sanatorium.

Casp Avertin

The previous sheriff of Sandpoint before Belor Hemlock. He was one of Chopper's murder victims.

Chask Haladan

The owner of an intellectual bookstore in Sandpoint.

Cyrdak Drokkus

The manager of a theater in Sandpoint.

Das Korvut

The owner of the Red Dog Smithy.

Erin Habe

A doctor at the sanatorium near Sandpoint.


A quasit who we encountered and fought in the tunnels below the Glassworks. We presume she was created by Nualia.

Ezakien Tobyn

Father Tobyn was the priest in charge of the original Sandpoint church. He died in the fire that destroyed it, along with his daughter Nualia. His tomb is in the Sandpoint Cathedral graveyard.


A goblin druid that our party fought in Nettlewood.


A goblin who invaded the home of Amele Barett via a tunnel that led to the closet of her son Aeren. Our party subdued Gresgurt and turned him over to the authorities.

Hayliss Korvaski

Owner and operator of a boutique in Sandpoint.

Ibor Thorn

Operator of the lumber mill in Sandpoint, along with his partner Banny Harker.

Ilsoari Gandethus

A wizard, who runs the Turandarok Academy.

Jervis Stoot

A man who made bird carvings around Sandpoint. He made his home on an island north of the lighthouse. Jervis was later discovered to have been the true identity of "Chopper".

Katrine Vinder

The sister of Shayliss Vinder, and daughter of Ven Vinder. Katrine was murdered in the lumber mill in Sandpoint, along with her lover Banny Harker.

Kendra Deverin

The mayor of Sandpoint.


A three-armed goblin, he is a notorious member of the Seven Tooth goblin tribe.

Larz Rovanky

A tanner in Sandpoint.

Lonjiku Kaijitsu

A wealthy nobleman who runs the Glassworks in Sandpoint. He is the husband of Atsuii and the father of Ameiko.

Lyrie Akenja

An archaeologist and explorer whose goal is to obtain knowledge for the ages. She has made a deal with the goblins of Thistletop whereby she can stay in their keep and conduct her research there. She belives that the Pathfinder Lodge has tried to cheat her out of her knowledge, and she wishes to publish under her own name.

Maester Grump

A farmer who was terrorized by walking scarecrows in the farmlands south of Sandpoint.


A greater barghest who is trapped in Thistletop Keep. Nualia Tobyn was planning to release him.

Maver Kesk

A local jeweler in Sandpoint.

Nualia Tobyn

The adopted daughter of Ezakien Tobyn. She was believed to have died in the same fire that claimed Ezakien's life. We discovered, however, that she is in fact some kind of demon, and is still alive. She used the remains of Father Tobyn to begin her transformation to her true form, and has allied herself with Tsuto in a plot to destroy Sandpoint for Lamashtu.

Rendwattle Gutwad

Chieftain of the Licktoad goblins.

Risa Magravi

Owner of the Blind Sorcerer.


The leader of the Thistletop goblin tribe.

Rogers Crazeby

The caretaker of Foxglove Manor, who met his end by being turned into a ghast, and made Handley Farm his lair.

Sabyl Sorn

Caretaker of the Sandpoint Monastery, and a follower of Irori.

Shalelu Andosana

An elven warrior who lives in the wilds outside of Sandpoint. However, she is generally considered to be an unofficial member of Sandpoint's town guard.

Shayliss Vinder

A woman who seduced Devin, causing him to get in trouble with her father, Ven.

Tsuto Kaijitsu

A half-elf who is the son of Atsuii Kaijitsu, but not of Lonjiku, due to Atsuii's infidelity. He is the half-brother of Ameiko.

Ven Vinder

The father of Shayliss and Katrine Vinder.


A cannibalistic goblin of Brinestump.