

An outsider that comes to the material plane to feed on the flesh of innocents. It eventually sheds its skin to become a greater barghest. At will, it can blink, levitate, turn invisible, charm, teleport, cause dispair, and confuse one's sense of direction. It can feed on a foe that is at it's mercy, increasing its strength.


A ferocious aquatic creature that resembles a cross between a shark and a seal.


A demon who is summoned by an evil wizard. It is made from a part of the wizard's soul. A quasit is tiny in size, and can fly. It has a poisonous stinger, can turn invisible at will, and can cause fear. It can turn into a bat, centipede, toad, or wolf. It is resistant to cold, acid, and fire, and is immune to electricity and poison. It can regenerate quickly. It has Damage Reduction which can be overcome by cold iron, or Blessed or Good weapons. In combat, it uses hit-and-run tactics. It can communicate with the lower planes to have questions answered.


An aberration, originating from ancient Thassilon. Each sinspawn is tuned to one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and seeks out those who either harbor or lack that sin. It has a split jaw, and can deliver a very harmful bite.


A squid-like creature that lives on land and can disguise itself as a stalactite. It uses its tentacles to grapple its enemies.

Yeth Hound

An evil outsider that resembles a hairless dog and can float above the ground. Yeth hounds are rather intelligent, and like to hunt intelligent prey. They are often granted to cults by their patron deity as a sign of approval.