

Sandpoint is a small town in south-western Varisia. Our party first arrived there on the day of the Swallowtail festival.

Sandpoint has four great houses:

The Blind Sorcerer

A tavern in Sandpoint, owned and operated by Risa Magravi. It is also referred to as "Risa's Tavern".


A woodland on the Lost Coast in Varisia, full of thorny brush. The trees form a thick canopy that allows little sunlight through, and the interior is structured as a network of passages and clearings. A number of goblins make their home there.

Red Dog Smithy

A smithy in Sandpoint. It is owned and operated by Das Korvut.

The Rusty Dragon Inn

An inn in Sandpoint. It is owned and operated by Ameiko Kaijitsu. Our party was granted free rooms at this inn by Ameiko, in gratitude for defending Sandpoint during the goblin attack.

Sandpoint Cathedral

Sandpoint Cathedral is an interfaith church. It has shrines dedicated to Abadar, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Sarenrae, and Shelyn. The Cathedral was built to replace the original Sandpoint church after it burned down.

Sandpoint Monastery

The monastery in Sandpoint is run by Sabyl Sorn. It has a library, but only those dedicated to self-discovery are considered worthy to visit it; Devin was denied entry on his first visit.

Turandarok Academy

A school and orphanage in Sandpoint. It is run by Ilsoari Gandethus